Today, on day 2 of our Rural Housing Week we’re sharing this article from our newsletter describing the role of a Rural Housing Enabler and how we can serve you and your community.
An honest broker
The role of Rural Housing Enabler (RHE) as an honest broker is being championed by the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs and ACRE (Action for Communities in Rural Areas). The recent increase in support has enabled Surrey Community Action to welcome another RHE, David Cowan, to join Nicola Davidson to increase our capacity to serve our rural parishes in Surrey.
Work in the best interests of the parish community
Work in an open and transparent way with all stakeholders
Bring key stakeholders together to work in a collaborative way
Carry out Housing Needs Surveys to evidence need in the community including as part of Neighbourhood Plans
Help identify Rural Exception Sites to support Affordable Housing in rural communities
Please get in touch should you wish to work together to deliver local, affordable homes in your rural community.