Thoughts of a CEO October 2022

I have been thinking long and hard about what to put in this introduction. Do I comment on the cost-of-living crisis and how it continues to hurt us and the people we help? Or do I mention the situation in Westminster? Or maybe the recruitment challenges many of us are facing? Or something innocuous like the changing weather?

In the end I have settled for something completely different and infinitely more positive, and it is this: Almost a month after our 2022 Charity Mash-Up, I am still getting positive feedback from people who trusted us with their time and got something valuable in return, and I’m still grinning as a result. I just want to thank our exhibitors, workshop presenters and panel members for making the day so great, but even more importantly I want to thank my amazing staff team who without exception went above and beyond the call of duty to make the day a roaring success.

I’m going to single out one member of staff who wasn’t with us in person, but who was definitely with us in spirit. He had a great excuse: Congratulations George and Collette on the birth of your first baby, Rose.