Well, it’s definitely autumn again; dark evenings, golden leaves, scraping the windscreen and endless Christmas adverts. Hopefully, this Christmas will be a little better than the last one.
I have been spending the occasional evening diving deep into the Charity Commission database (it’s a dirty job but someone’s got to do it!) and it reminded me how large and vibrant the voluntary sector in Surrey actually is. Over 4,000 registered charities delivering services to people across Surrey, and anything up to 10,000 other not-for-profit organisations. Over coming weeks, we will be sharing some quick 2-minute videos talking about the size and shape of our sector – how many of us are there? What do we do? How do we work? Questions like that. One of the reasons we are doing this is so that we can understand a little bit more about the longer term impact Covid-19 has had and is continuing to have on us all. I’m curiously optimistic that the impact of Covid-19 may not be as drastic as I had feared, but only time will tell. Fingers crossed!
This is our last newsletter of the year, so I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and that your 2022 beats your 2021 hands down!