Welcome to our March newsletter. I hope it finds you well. Out of curiosity, I took a look at our newsletter from March 2020 to see what’s changed in the last two years or so. By coincidence, I started that newsletter in exactly the same way I will be starting this one: With a plea for you all to complete a survey for Surrey County Council who would like to check how charities like ours are doing in helping you address the million and one challenges you are facing while supporting your beneficiaries. Please, please, please help us out by filling in the survey.
Our second, special, newsletter that month went out in response to Covid as it started rearing its ugly head. It’s amazing to reflect on what has changed since then. Covid is still with us, and we appear to be living with it (fingers crossed), but we will be wrestling with the aftermath for years to come. After two years of careful avoidance, my family and I all caught Covid recently (ironically via my son attending a first aid course!) and endured a very uncomfortable couple of weeks. I say this not for sympathy, but as a reminder that it is still doing the rounds, and even with jabs and boosters can still be quite nasty – and that’s from someone without any particular vulnerabilities. So, take care of yourselves and others please.
Finally, a plug for our sparkly new and improved meeting rooms which now allow you and your colleagues to meet and mix in a new way that takes the best of real and virtual meetings. Contact us for information and bookings.