Care in Haslemere (Care) is a Good Neighbour Scheme that provides transport for people in need to get to hospital and clinic appointments.
If you live in Haslemere, Fernhurst, Grayshott or Hindhead and have difficulty in getting to a medical or dental appointment at a surgery, hospital or clinic and, find it hard or inconvenient to use Public Transport, seek help from Care.
We mainly take people to Clinics such as Doctors and Dentists Surgeries, Opticians and Hospital Departments locally, but often to Guildford and sometimes further afield, including London.
Volunteers use their own cars, and provide a very personal service taking people to their appointments, often waiting with them, and then returning them to their homes.
We are always looking for volunteers so if you can spare an hour every now and again, please get in touch.
//Please only call the supplied number between: 10.00am-4.00pm only//