St Joseph’s is the Catholic Parish Church for Epsom in the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton. We are an active welcoming community, offering spiritual and pastoral support for everyone.
We are very fortunate to have great facilities at our church. These facilities are available to hire within the following conditions:
Bookings for large events Monday to Saturday after 11am only.
Bookings are subject to Mass times and other parish requirements. Our policy is to prioritise bookings for parish events.
Bookings for 18th or 21st Birthday celebrations or Wedding or Engagement Parties are not permitted.
Bookings for any adult evening social events can only be considered if you are a parishioner known to the parish team, or are vouched for by a parishioner known to the parish team.
Christall Hall
Westlake Room
Chatterton Room
St Joseph’s Church, Epsom
61 Rosebank
United Kingdom
KT18 7RT