Rural Housing: Happy in Hambledon

To be able to have a safe and secure home in the village where I grew up, near my Dad, means the world to me.”

Sandie works as a nurse. Managing private rent and bills was always challenging and while she’s careful with money and was determined not to get into debt, any unexpected bills meant financial trouble.

Sandie grew up in Hambledon and her father still lives in the village. To ease the financial pressure of paying such high local rents, Sandie took a job as a school nurse which included accommodation. But as her dad’s care needs grew, she needed a job which would allow her to also look after him too. She looked again into renting privately, but found that the rent for a one bedroom property in Hambledon would be 75% of a full-time nurse’s salary.

Sandie was determined to stay in the area to care for her dad and heard on the grapevine about the upcoming Livery Close scheme. After successfully applying, she moved into her home, which is an affordable rent property, in January. Although she works as a full-time nurse, she has enough time now to care for her dad, who lives within walking distance. As a dog owner, Sandie particularly enjoys having a generous garden. She also appreciates the two large walk-in storage cupboards and a downstairs toilet that her dad can use when he visits.

Livery Close has become a friendly community where birthday cake and cooking ingredients are shared and dogs are walked together.

Sandie says “I’m not wealthy but I’m now able to put a bit of money by and pay rent and bills… I feel very lucky to be here, particularly lucky as I grew up in the village. We’re
really happy here and hope we’ll be here forever

Find out more about our Rural Housing Enabling project here.

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