“If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together”
That’s a great proverb that illustrates the importance of working together to get things done, and that is a message that is even more important as we are all being expected to do ever more with ever less. I’ve spoken to a lot of people across charities, the NHS and local authorities, all facing massive financial pressures (being expected to make 30% savings in some cases) in the face of ever-increasing demand and increased complexity. As a sector, we are brilliant at doing an amazing amount with very little resource, but we are constantly being asked to do more and more and more. How can we do it? How can we keep pace with the increasing demand on ourselves and our services?
Collaboration is one way.
It is with that in mind that our 2024 conference will have a collaboration theme, with speakers and workshops showing that collaboration isn’t scary, doesn’t mean that we lose our own identify, and can allow us to survive and thrive in a pretty challenging environment. Save the date – 26 September – and watch this space for more information as it develops.